Online Private Guitar Lessons

I’m a Berklee College of Music graduate with a Degree in Guitar Performance, and after a over a decade of performing, I've never had a hand or wrist injury. I’ve been recording professionally for a long time now, and endorse amazing gear companies like Fishman Pickups, Asterope Cables, Blakhart Guitars, FU-Tone Hardware, and Intune Guitar Picks. If you’re looking to bring your playing to the next level, improve fundamental technique, increase your speed, learn new skills like sweep picking and metal rhythm techniques, or even learn how to warm up properly and take care of your hands, contact me to book a lesson!
I truly enjoy teaching, and my philosophy on it is pretty simple. Vision is king, and if you know something you’d like to learn or have an idea of where you’d like to take your playing, I can get you closer to your goal! I love questions, and I’m happy to share any trade secrets or “one weird tip(s)” that can vastly improve the quality of your practice sessions and overall guitar playing. Doing lessons over video chat works extremely well, minimizes travel costs for students, and allows me to keep prices EXTREMELY affordable! 
All skill levels, and anyone wanting to rock out, shred, or riff with the best of them are welcome! I look forward to working with you!